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This is so good. Like you, I have never felt I needed to qualify my "No" answer to the "do you have kids?" question. In fact, quite the contrary - they only get to hear my story if I think they deserve it, might learn from it, would understand or show some compassion.

I too have hated the way they've found it necessary to humanise Kamala by making her the much-loved stepmother. She doesn't need it. But it seems the general populace do! NZ's first elected woman Prime Minister was Not Kidding, and cared more about the future and about children in poverty than almost any of the parents who had filled the role before her, and since (with the exception of our third female PM, Jacinda).

Also, This. "Heroic survival. Kindness. Resourcefulness. Loyalty. Perseverance. Service. Compassion. Concern for the human race. Perspective. Innovation. Morality. Resilience." Brava!

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